The Plot to Steal Lincoln’s Body

I’d heard, of course, about the plot to steal Lincoln’s corpse, and how the bodysnatchers managed to crack the tomb, but I’d never read the full details of the plot. This is Hollywood thriller stuff! I’ve excerpted the beginning but it’s worth clicking through to the link for the complete story. A quick Google reveals a full-length nonfiction book is available, too, if you wanted all the juicy details. How long before this becomes the next instalment in the National Treasure series?

With its chief engraver serving a 10-year prison term, the gang of funny money makers were running low on the bogus bills. They hatched the ill-conceived plot to kidnap Lincoln’s body. They planned to cart it 200 miles to the dunes to bury it.Fortunately, the Pinkertons, a detective agency, had infiltrated the gang and were aware of its plans.

Source: NWI and the plot to steal Lincoln’s body

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