S. P. Dinsmoor’s Garden of Eden

Every once in a while, my “Civil War” Google Alert tosses back a really unusual hit:  Here’s a website detailing the work of a Union Army veteran who lived in Kansas created an art house out of cement.  A hayseed Gaudí.  (I also love the “One of the Wonders of Kansas!” decal. Oh, Kansas Tourism, you really are trying your best.)

“This is my sign – GARDEN OF EDEN – I could hear so many, as they go by, sing out, “What is this?” so I put this sign up. Now they can read it, stop or go on, just as they please.”

The porches, side walks, fence, strawberry and flower beds, fish pool, grape-arbor three U. S. flage, adam and Eve, the devil, coffin, jug, visitors dining hall, labor crucified, two bird and animal cages, and wash house are all made with cement. Up to this date, July 1, 1927, over 113 tons , or 2,273 sacks of cement has been used.

via History of S. P. Dinsmoors Garden of Eden.

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